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New Almaden
Ting Project
On the spacious landscaped ground of the "Casa Grande" Hacienda at New Almaden stood an authentic unique Chinese Ting (Pagoda) which was used as a Tea House for many years. Learn the history of the Ting
and help us become caretakers of the Ting (Pagoda) to teach our children how ordinary people today from both sides of the Pacific Ocean proudly respect peace through our world's artistic treasures.

Ting at Casa Grande.
(c. 1924 John Gordon photograph)

Pillar with dragon story carving, panel on right appears to have mother-of-pearl inlay
(c. 1862 Carleton Watkins photograph.)

Ting and c.1854 “Casa Grande” manor. (c.1862 Carleton Watkins photograph.)

Gathering at Ting
(c.1862 Carleton Watkins photograph)

Gathering at Ting
(c.1862 Carleton Watkins photograph)

Pillars being examined in 2017 by Friends of New Almaden Ting (FONAT).
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