New Almaden
Ting Project
Preserving the history of New Almaden and the Ting has been in the hearts of New Almaden residents for many years. In 2017, museum docent Mike Boulland and Rotary Club of Almaden Valley member Fred Eberle enlisted the support of the Rotary Club to begin developing plans. In addition, leaders in the Rotary Club contacted the San Jose District 10 Council office to seek help in reaching out to local Chinese community leaders. The Council staff found significant interest and support from the community, and in 2018 the group was organized under the name Friends of New Almaden Ting (FONAT).
Our Mission:
The FONAT mission is to educate the public about the remarkable international story of the New Almaden Ting and help preserve the remaining artifacts. FONAT through its volunteers manage and support the organization, raise funds for the preservation of Ting artifacts, and partner with other entities that share interest in the Ting.